Posts Tagged ‘Christian Jagodzinski’


Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

Luxus und Laessigkeit in St. Tropez


Tuesday, January 1st, 2013


Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

En una cálida y amena charla con Christian Jagodzinski en su exclusiva villa La Contenta ubicada en Palm Island en Miami Beach, conversamos sobre como comenzó con este nuevo y novedoso emprendimento hotelero.

Christian nos cuenta, que uno de sus grandes placeres son los viajes de lujo. Decidía vender su empresa de internet y viajar por el mundo, a lo largo de esos viajes nunca pudo encontrar una experiencia hotelera a la altura de sus expectativas. Los hoteles 5 estrellas eran menos personalizados de lo que esperaba y los pequeños boutiques de lujo carecían de calidad y constancia en sus servicios. (more…)

Villazzo CEO Christian Jagodzinski: “VillaHotel Nathalie is the Most Impressive Villa I’ve seen in Saint-Tropez Since 2010”

Friday, March 11th, 2011
villazzo villahotel saint-tropez

Villazzo's Founder & CEO Christian Jagodzinski

When it comes to luxury travel, it takes a lot to impress me.

That, after all, is what inspired me to start Villazzo in the first place: I wanted to create a luxury villa rental company that offered exclusive world travelers the finest luxury villas in the world’s top vacation destinations, complete with five-star luxury hotel service. This is what my VillaHotel Concept is all about.

Through my travels, I’ve been able to ascertain what I believe to be the world’s top luxury resorts, and they are the destinations that Villazzo currently focuses on: Miami Beach, Aspen, Saint-Tropez, and Capri. To be sure, there are other destinations that could be added to our selection (and maybe will someday), but currently these specific destinations are the ones that have a sufficient crop of luxury villas that meet Villazzo’s strict standards.

The next step is always to find the most exquisite, private, luxury villas in these destinations that can then be transformed into VillaHotels.

In a place like Saint-Tropez, that’s harder than you think: there are hundreds of houses in and around Saint-Tropez whose owners would like to think are considered “luxury villas.” But in order to determine if a house is truly deserving of the VillaHotel treatment, my team and I have to personally search and inspect the entire villa market in every destination. Most of the villas we see fail to impress.

But I recently came upon a new luxury villa in Saint-Tropez that might be the finest I’ve ever come across in Saint-Tropez!

VillaHotel Nathalie



Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Miami Mondaen – Reich und schoen in Florida – Mar 1, 2011


Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Das Leben der Superreichen – Christian Jagodzinski


Sunday, July 1st, 2007

Während damals seine 13- und 14jährigen Altersgenossen gegen pubertäre Schübe und lästige Pflichten ankämpften, hat Christian Jagodzinski seine Leidenschaft für Computer entdeckt, diese ausgelebt, den ersten Online-Bookshop mit einer Datenbank von einer Million Buchtiteln erschaffen, mit Amazon ein lukratives Geschäft mitsamt dickem Aktienpaket unter Dach und Fach gebracht und wurde Millionär. Mit 16 Jahren erhielt er die Lizenz, seine eigene Firma zu gründen und war Deutschlands jüngster Firmeninhaber. (more…)


Friday, June 1st, 2007

Sarah Modlock meets Christian Jagodzinski, founder and chairman of Villazzo

The British are not known for speaking up when things are unsatisfactory. To avoid creating a scene, we prefer to stiffen our upper lips, and our G&Ts, whilst turning a blind eye to the most elephantine of problems. On this basis, it’s safe to assume that if Christian Jagodzinski had been born British then his company, Villazzo, would not exist.

“It all stemmed from my own experience as a disappointed client in the luxury travel industry,” he explains. (more…)


Thursday, March 1st, 2007

Europe’s Richest People – Christian Jagodzinski